Local Support Services
For medical assistance in New Denver and area:
Slocan Community Health Centre
Urgent Care/Primary Health Care/Residential Care
Main Switchboard 250-358-7911
New Denver Medical Clinic
Marie Hunder 250-358-7813
Marie is only in New Denver 2 days a week so be patient if she doesn’t get back to you right away.
Commercial Funeral Providers:
Thomson Funeral Services and Crematorium
613 Ward Street, Nelson 250 352 3613
Personal Alternative Funeral Services
McQuarrie Street, Trail 250 368 8080
Castlegar Funeral Chapel 250 352 3220
Valley Funeral Home
1203 Front Street, Nelson 250 352 0036
101 Nelson Avenue, Nakusp 250 265 4316
Carpenter Creek Last Wishes Society
The Carpenter Creek Last Wishes Society is a volunteer community society which provides information about how people can make their own private funeral arrangements. Based in New Denver, it was started to keep care of our deceased within our community, and to minimize funeral costs. For more information check their website carpentercreeklastwishesociety.ca