Local Support Services

For medical assistance in New Denver and area:

Slocan Community Health Centre
Urgent Care/Primary Health Care/Residential Care
Main Switchboard 250-358-7911

New Denver Medical Clinic

Marie Hunder 250-358-7813
Marie is only in New Denver 2 days a week so be patient if she doesn’t get back to you right away.

Long Term Care Facility which also contains the palliative room:

The Pavilion 250-358-7805

For medical equipment loans (such as commodes, wheel chairs, walkers, shower stools etc.):

The Red Cross Cupboard (for medical equipment loans)

Nicky Hamilton 250-358-7819

Financial support for funeral arrangements:

  • Interior Service Centre  1866 866 0800
  • Ministry of Social Development website: www.gov.bc.ca/hsd

For low income families, families on social support and/or disabilities you can contact a service agent at Interior Service Centre for information on financial support for burial and funeral arrangements.
To pick up forms and fax information to Interior Service Centre you can access support through Service BC in Naksup.

Support for disability and social assistance:

Service BC – Nakusp – 250-265-4865

Support for all aspects of mental health including grief and depression

Child and Youth Mental Health

AA: New Denver Health Care Center Annex
Fridays 7 – 8 pm
for information contact: 250 358 7158

AL-ANON: New Denver Health Care Center Annex
Thursday at  7 pm
for information contact: 250 358 7904

Narcotics Anonymous: New Denver Health Care Center Annex

Wednesday at 7 pm

Places to stay while in New Denver:

Valhalla Inn
509 Slocan, New Denver 250 358 2228

Villa Dome Quixote
602 6th Ave., New Denver 250 358 7242

Mistaya Country Inn 250 358 7787

Sweet Dreams Guest House
702 Eldorado, New Denver  250 358 2415

Glacier View Cabins
426 8th Ave, New Denver  250-358-7277

William Hunter Cabins
303 Lake ave Silverton BC 250-358-2647

Explore airbinb.ca as well for the New Denver Area.

Commercial Funeral Providers:

Thomson Funeral Services and Crematorium
613 Ward Street, Nelson 250 352 3613

Personal Alternative Funeral Services
McQuarrie Street, Trail  250 368 8080

Castlegar Funeral Chapel 250 352 3220

Valley Funeral Home
1203 Front Street, Nelson 250 352 0036
101 Nelson Avenue, Nakusp 250 265 4316

Carpenter Creek Last Wishes Society
The Carpenter Creek Last Wishes Society is a volunteer community society which provides information about how people can make their own private funeral arrangements. Based in New Denver, it was started to keep care of our deceased within our community, and to minimize funeral costs. For more information check their website carpentercreeklastwishesociety.ca

New Denver and area churches:

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church

  • Gail Hebert 250 358 2397
  • Bev Casley 250 358 7771
  • Father David John – St. Rita’s Church (Castlegar) 250 365 7143

Zion – United Church

  • Theresa Gerow – 250 358 7973
  • Eleanor Spangler – 250 358 2145
  • Therese DesCamp – 250 358 7904

Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Walter Dagostini – 250 358 7710

Anglican Church

  • Rhonda Farrell – 250 358 7941
  • Liz Ruder – St. Stephens (new Denver) 250 687 1694

Gospel Light Chapel

  • Joan Law – 250 358 2374
  • Wilf Wilson – 250 358 2626

Although BC Legislation says that your wishes, whether verbal or written, must be followed, you have much better protection if your wishes are written. It is also important for all the people close to you and your doctor(s) to know that you have written an advance directive and for them to have a copy or know how to find it. Your wishes can only be followed if people know them. Do NOT put your advance directive in a safety deposit box as it may not be accessible when it is needed.

Currently there is no standardized advance directive form to use and some types that exist are not very useful because they are unclear and/or incomplete. The more detail you provide, the more you will be recognized as an informed consumer of medical care, and the more likely it is that your wishes will be followed.  The Canadian Medical Association directs physicians to follow living wills, and doctors have been successfully sued for not doing so.

An extensive Living Will document is obtainable on line from the University of Toronto Joint Center for Bioethics.
If you make a Representation Agreement, you may have your advance medical directive as part of the Agreement or as a separate document you would attach to it.

It is also important to remember that these documents are a form of “insurance” and may never come into effect. If you remain able to direct your own affairs and give or withhold consent to medical treatment, they will never have to be used. Having them in place, however, provides you, your family or loved ones with peace-of-mind should the need ever arise.